Being too pushy can cost you the job
I just need to comment on this subject because it’s happened a few times in recent months and it really is damaging behavior to a candidate trying to get a job. When a candidate is too pushy or trying a hard sell approach to an interview, it will back fire most of the time. Writing emails stating things like “I will call you next week to arrange a time when I can come in for an interview.” are overstepping your boundaries. I’ll get candidates that write me emails stating things like: :”when can we sit down over coffee.. I feel I am a good fit for..” “Please let me know when you would like to meet.” Please, be respectful of recruiters’ time and hiring managers’ time. Now I for sure have no interest in meeting! These kinds of in your face approaches don’t work. When networking, be considerate of others’ time. Take a more intelligent approach and ask good questions, and don’t make assumptions.