I see blog posts and articles all the time that are directed at job seekers, and talk about how they should work with a recruiter for their benefit. Recruiters do have a lot to offer to someone that is searching for a new position. I have some real simple advice. Remember the golden rule. Treat others how you want to be treated. This should not only apply to recruiters, but with anyone you are doing business with, or are dealing with on a personal level. I’ll speak for myself and say that the only thing I ask for out of anyone I am dealing with is honestly and respect. Return my calls. Tell me if you are not interested in the job I have for you. Don’t lie to me. Don’t use me to obtain a job offer to use as leverage for a raise or against another job offer. It is a small world and our paths will cross again. Reputations are easily damaged. Recruiters talk amongst each other and our clients and hiring managers do as well. Every conversation and every action is documented, every email is saved. Act like a professional and treat the recruiter how you would want to be treated, and recruiters can be your greatest asset for your career.
Dave Sgro