Social media can put the kibosh on your dream job
I have said this before and want to bring it up again because it is important. Young people especially don’t realize the implications of their social media activity. CareerBuilder did a survey recently and it is fact that employers are passing over candidates due to inappropriate social media behavior. More and more companies and recruiters are researching social media profiles of candidates as part of their screening process. As a job seeker you need to keep this in mind and consider not only your posts, but the posts of others that might tag you in their posts.
Things you can do to protect yourself include being smart about what you put out there, check the privacy settings of all your social media sites, and search yourself on social media on a regular basis to ensure all online information is accurate and is not potentially damaging. Be sure to monitor all the posts that you’ve been tagged in, and think about who you will allow to post to your profile. You can limit this through the social media settings.