Phrases You Should Never Include on Your Résumé

This is an interesting article. The point I think that can me made is stay away from the vague cliche words and phrases and talk about specific accomplishments!

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Don’t get caught up in the Monday Moaning!!

It’s such a turn off to hear people moan and groan about Mondays and having to go to work. This drives my crazy to hear my son say this about school too. I get it, but this is a bad attitude. I do try to send the message that Monday morning means you have five…

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Improve your job search odds. Try a specialty site!

This was taken from the LA Register. This is really great advice. I think if you’re looking for a real niche type of job, your odds are better with specialty sites that are normally free and offer things like geographic focus, industry focus, skills focus. Some of these site include:,,,,,…

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More than one job offer?

Hello! So I have been finding this year many of the people I a working with are getting more than one job offer. I suppose folks feel that if they are going to go on an interview, they might as well go on multiple interviews and see what opportunities are out there! So if you…

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Need a good resignation letter? Here you go!

Dear Boss, Please accept this as my official notice of resignation. I appreciate the work we have been able to accomplish together at (company name), but I have now made a commitment to another organization and will begin with them in two weeks. Know that it is my intention to work diligently with you to…

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Are you interested in a particular company or companies? Let us know!!

If you are trying to get into a particular company, let us know. There is a high likelihood we might have contacts at that company, or they are an existing client of ours. We might be able to get your foot in the door there when your resume otherwise might be sitting in the proverbial…

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Some tips to explain why you were fired

How do I explain why I got fired in an interview? It’s not always an easy question to answer for most jobseekers; in fact many of them allow the fear of answering this question to throw them off their job searching. We all know being fired can impact your daily life. There are ways to…

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Send a thank you letter after a job rejection

I have been in this business for many years, and I have never considered this before. What a great idea!! Check out the article…

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Qualified IT Pros Have an Edge in the Job Market

This article pretty accurately reflects what we’re experiencing every day in our office. Qualified IT Pros Have an Edge in the Job Market via @baselinemag

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Social media can put the kibosh on your dream job

I have said this before and want to bring it up again because it is important. Young people especially don’t realize the implications of their social media activity. CareerBuilder did a survey recently and it is fact that employers are passing over candidates due to inappropriate social media behavior. More and more companies and recruiters…

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